How Music Can Make
Your City Better
ENG // Torsdag 7. november // 13:00-13:45 // Hovedsalen
What needs to be in place to create a thriving music city? And what are the outcomes when it works?
Shain Shapiro, PhD is one of the world’s leading music and cultural policy thinkers. He is the founder and chairman of economics consultancy Sound Diplomacy, founder and director of the global nonprofit Center for Music Ecosystems and author of This Must Be The Place: How Music Can Make Your City Better. Shain has pioneered the work of music cities and music ecosystem policy, where music is written into how cities and places plan and invest in their future.
Shain will share his insights based on his experiences, including key points from his book «How Music Can Make Your City Better.» He will emphasise the importance of integrating music into urban planning and highlight how music cities benefit from strong infrastructure, collaboration between stakeholders, and supportive policies.
He will in this lecture illustrate how investing in music not only enhances cultural vibrancy but also drives economic growth and strengthens communities.
The talk is presented by Kulturrom at Vill Vill Vest music conference. Kulturrom has invited Shain to Bergen to share his expertise and insights into the role of music in place-making and to highlight the significance of rehearsal spaces and venues as essential components of the music ecosystem.
Dagen før konferansen presenterer Brak, Kulturrom og Bergen Næringsråd et åpent arrangement med fokus på musikk og byutvikling der også Shain vil holde et foredrag. Les mer her.
Foto: James Drury Photography
Shain Shapiro